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Event TEST 30.03
януари 25@12:00-януари 26@13:00
0.30лв. – 0.35лв.Виктор Стамболов – Габана
Иван Иванов – Casual Threesome
Мишер Руева – One Day Less
Пенко Скумов – Soundprophet, Tidemachine
Деян Петков – Emotive
Ивайло Петров (Пифа) – Der Hunds, Casual Threesome
Никола Nixon Джоков – Габана
Ташо Киров – Jeremy?
На място/входа и на датата на събитието: 25 лв.
Врати – 20:00 | Старт – 21:00
! Лица под 18 могат да присъстват само с придружител и нотариално заверено пълномощно !
SEATTLE NIGHT 43 @ Rock Bar Download : 09.03
The tradition continues with the most iconic songs of the bands of the Seattle grunge wave, presented by:
Bobby the Killer Whale – Der Hunds
Viktor Stambolov – Gabbana
Ivan Ivanov – Casual Threesome
Misher Rueva – One Day Less
Penko Skumov – Soundprophet, Tidemachine
Georgi Mihailov – Der Hunds, Soundprophet, Tidemachine
Deyan Petkov – Emotive
Ivaylo Petrov (Pifa) – Der Hunds, Casual Threesome
Nikola Nixon Djokovic – Gabbana
Tasho Kirov – Jeremy?
Seattle is the largest city in the US state of Washington and has long played an important role in music culture, popularizing alternative rock genres such as grunge. Big bands such as Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam were also born there. The city remains home to several influential bands, labels and venues.
Tickets on advance sale: BGN 20 – https://bilet.bg/bg/events/seatlle-night-43-at-rock-bar-download-4782-4782
At the venue/entrance and on the date of the event: BGN 25.
Doors – 20:00 | Start – 21:00
The number of tickets is limited, it is recommended to purchase them in advance!
P.P. Bar reservations are not accepted on concert dates.
! Persons under 18 can only attend with a companion and a notarized power of attorney!
- Rock Bar Download
ul. "Lady Strangford" 5, 4000 Plovdiv
Plovdiv, 4000 Bulgaria - Phone
- +359 895 212 540
- Rock Bar Download
- Projector Plus